On October 9, 2014 “a precedent-setting task force
involving labour and school boards has tabled 22 recommendations to make
Ontario public elementary school communities healthier and safer places to work
and learn.” You can see the EFTO media
release here: http://www.etfo.ca/MediaRoom/MediaReleases/Pages/Provincial%20Task%20Force%20Tables%2022%20Recommendations%20for%20Healthier,%20Safer%20School%20Communities.aspx
The EFTO MOU Task Force on Health and Safety – Report and
Recommendations report can be viewed on the EFTO website. Take the time to read the report as I
did. Among other things, I note that it
was yet another labour intensive project without any information as to the cost
to Ontario tax payers; the parents who support publicly funded education with
their hard earned tax dollars; the very individuals who were, yet again, not at
the table and part of this task force.
The report looks impressive, and the recommendations are
good ones, but I found it leaned almost entirely towards EFTO members as
opposed to a healthy and safer school culture. “The health and safety culture
in school boards should encompass a whole school approach. A whole school approach is one where everyone
is committed to a positive health and safety culture. This provides a framework for schools to be
safe, secure, healthy and supportive working and learning environments.” I find this to be very disconcerting as the
very union involved in this task force, contains the same individuals who insist
that aggressive situations among their students do not take place; the very
individuals who parents are suing in a court of law for lack of due diligence for
keeping their children safe while at school; the very individuals who cannot
advise me how many schools have a safe and accepting schools team in place
because the PPM’s quoted in the report don’t mandate that this information must be reported back to the
Ministry of Education.
Page 8 of the report references the all-encompassing
PPM’s that are thrown into parents’ faces.
PPM 144 states “each school must have in place a safe and accepting schools
team, responsible for fostering a safe, inclusive, and accepting school
climate…..”. In a Freedom of Information
Request I was advised that “It is the expectation
that all schools have a safe schools team in place. There was no
requirement to report this and therefore there is no record.” The statement that each school must have a safe and accepting schools team is now redundant.
Will the Ministry of Education have oversight
of the 22 recommendations because it has no oversight of the content set forth
in the PPM’s that they produce? If the
answer is yes, then it will validate that their emphasis is on union members as
opposed to students.
Dr. Pushor prepared a research paper
“Parent Engagement: Creating a Shared World” wherein a clear differentiation is
made between parent “involvement” and parent “engagement”. Dr. Pushor states “With parent involvement,
the scripted story of school as protectorate does not change. Because the school is still setting the
agenda and determining what roles parents are to play within that agenda; the
hierarchical structure of educators as experts, acting in the best interests of
the less-knowing parents, is maintained.”
This needs to change.
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